Anyone have an old Zon magazine ad?

Direct Box Rox

Silence = Deaf
Feb 12, 2012
I was hoping to gather any old Zon magazine ad's that you guys might have access to. One in particular used to be in Bass Player magazine in the early 90's. I believe (I'm just going off of memory) that it was like a 1/4 page ad, showed 3 different Sonus models displayed (red, blue & natural maybe) and then said something like "...Jazz bass of the 90's".

But I'd be interested in any Zon ad's that anyone has access to. Thanks guys :)
I'm starting to wonder if I was maybe remembering a Bass Central ad or Bass Northwest ad that featured only the Sonus in it? The reason I remember the ad though is because that's the ad that made me decide to buy a Sonus. In fact, after I got it I wrote to Zon and 20+ years later they still have my testimonial on their website :)