Anyone know Aguilar GS112 port lengths? need some advice!

Picked up a GS112 which had a Deltalite II 2512 speaker installed, seller said he modified the ports length (shorten I believe?) trying to get the most out of the cab. Anyone know the exact port lengths in these cabs or what would be the best length for optimal tone?

Thanks Ya'll
I got nuttin.

But if the prior owner shortened the ports, it probably added a bump in bass output (probably in the 100 Hz region) at the expense of reduced low frequency extension and reduced cone damping (reduced power handling and cone safety) at low frequencies.
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Thanks guys, Aguilar emailed me back, original port length is 4 3/4” these are cut down to about 1 1/2”.

Question would be... what would the optimal port lengths be with the deltalite 2512 thats in it? Trying to keep the neo in and get a nice tone as well :)
Thanks guys, Aguilar emailed me back, original port length is 4 3/4” these are cut down to about 1 1/2”.

Question would be... what would the optimal port lengths be with the deltalite 2512 thats in it? Trying to keep the neo in and get a nice tone as well :)

If you can provide me the internal volume of that cabinet and the diameter of the port then I can determine the original and modified tuning frequency. And of course provide the optimal tuning for the 2512.
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I did measure the ports on a picture of the GS112 and calculated the internal volume (which should be approx 55liters). So, if I reverse engineer it I get a factory tuning of approx 43hz. The cut down version is approx 60hz.
Well, none of these tunings are optimal for the 2512, best tuning for that driver would be approx 52hz. Which can be achieved by a port length of approx 2 3/4" :)
But, if you like a little more "oompf" you could use the factory tuning of 43hz, the punchy version would be 52hz.