I've looked on MF website and they don't have a pic for them. I've seen some used online with tort but also some with white. Anyone know what is stock?
http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/gl-sb-2-bass-guitar?rNtt=GL Sb2&index=2
I checked G&L website for pics and I only see the silver metal flake, white, and margarita finishes. In the description on MF, it just says black pickguard (for both white and sunburst) but the pic for the white one definitely shows tort. On G&L's website, I see both the JB and SB1 tobacco finishes have tort guards.
http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/gl-sb-2-bass-guitar?rNtt=GL Sb2&index=2
I checked G&L website for pics and I only see the silver metal flake, white, and margarita finishes. In the description on MF, it just says black pickguard (for both white and sunburst) but the pic for the white one definitely shows tort. On G&L's website, I see both the JB and SB1 tobacco finishes have tort guards.
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