Anyone try Mooer Tender Octaver MKll yet?

Apr 28, 2006
Woodlands, Texas
So I recently sold my sub n up mini and was doing the time honored "micro pog dance" on Reverb this weekend. Literally exhausting. Then I saw on my feed the Tender MKll is now out AND prices for the original plummeted back down to the stratosphere.
I'm a tad concerned about the new one. Three NEW modes. It doesn't say if any of them are like the original. Anyone play one yet?
So happy I don't have to buy a pog, after blowing the most I ever have on a pedal yesterday this is like a weight off my chest!
I haven't played one, but I've heard the two guitar demos that are up on Youtube. Sounds like Fat mode is the original sound, Tight mode is the same sound only with a lot of added treble and reduced low end, and Swell kind of fades in the octave. Swell is pretty cool, though I have no use for it that I can think of. So I'll be sticking with my V1 TO and not upgrading. Actually, I use the EHX Pitch Fork mostly, but I have been using the TO on fly gigs and gigs where I only use a small board. I like it, but can't help feeling that the latency between original note and octave is longer than the Pitch Fork and Micro Pog. Maybe it's all in my head...I really need to check that out. I no longer have the Micro Pog, though.

I think I just came up with a late night project.
OK, project over. I'm pretty satisfied that I was hearing things with the TO and thinking it had more latency than the Pitch Fork. That's good because it's much less high maintenance on road trips than the Pitch Fork. I have to have it on an iso power line whereas I can throw the TO on a daisy chain run by a 1-Spot no sweat. I do like the sound of the Pitch Fork better, though. Smoother and not as electronically twangy as the TO and Micro Pog.
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OK, project over. I'm pretty satisfied that I was hearing things with the TO and thinking it had more latency than the Pitch Fork. That's good because it's much less high maintenance on road trips than the Pitch Fork. I have to have it on an iso power line whereas I can throw the TO on a daisy chain run by a 1-Spot no sweat. I do like the sound of the Pitch Fork better, though. Smoother and not as electronically twangy as the TO and Micro Pog.
Thank you, JimmyM!!! and thank Science!!!
seriously I have made a mental note of your findings(I don't buy into mind palaces per se, but my mental notes are 99 percent of the time jammed in my brain for good. Except for some reason Intro Chemistry and Intro Biology do not compute or stick up there).
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Thank you, JimmyM!!! and thank Science!!!
seriously I have made a mental note of your findings(I don't buy into mind palaces per se, but my mental notes are 99 percent of the time jammed in my brain for good. Except for some reason Intro Chemistry and Intro Biology do not compute or stick up there).

Did you try a search yet? There was a cool demo/comparison of the mkI and mkII (and the OC-2) thread posted not too long ago
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OK, project over. I'm pretty satisfied that I was hearing things with the TO and thinking it had more latency than the Pitch Fork. That's good because it's much less high maintenance on road trips than the Pitch Fork. I have to have it on an iso power line whereas I can throw the TO on a daisy chain run by a 1-Spot no sweat. I do like the sound of the Pitch Fork better, though. Smoother and not as electronically twangy as the TO and Micro Pog.

Heh, I found the same with the power thing. Any Digitech or EHX pedal I've ever had needs to be isolated to prevent noise issues, yet somehow these cheap Chinese pedals manage to nail the circuitry to not leak digital noise into the power rail. I'm sure it's as simple as just putting a cap in the right place, but so many pedals don't do it right.