So I happened to search for stuff on here about LEDs, but found very little.
Part of me thinks that a lot of other people think they're corny... but I happen to like them.
Anyway, to the point of my query:
Years ago, there were LED setups in fingerboards, using the older and practically inlay-sized LEDs themselves. Or perhaps they'd illuminate a lens or translucent material. But either way, they were larger and seemed difficult to work with and thus, their lack of popularity. I think people also feared unreliability, noise, and size issues.
Well, as I have seen lately, you can get crazy-small, crazy-bright LEDs on strands for dirt cheap on Amazon. Some of them are called "Fairy lights" or just micro LEDs.
But the point is, they are cheap, bright, waterproof even, and I'm wondering if they can be adapted to necks?
Or can you find the LEDs in a more adaptable format to use in a neck? Something like a strand of them that can be cut to length and wired to a battery source.
Just wondering. I may try it just to see how it works out, the price is certainly right!
Part of me thinks that a lot of other people think they're corny... but I happen to like them.
Anyway, to the point of my query:
Years ago, there were LED setups in fingerboards, using the older and practically inlay-sized LEDs themselves. Or perhaps they'd illuminate a lens or translucent material. But either way, they were larger and seemed difficult to work with and thus, their lack of popularity. I think people also feared unreliability, noise, and size issues.
Well, as I have seen lately, you can get crazy-small, crazy-bright LEDs on strands for dirt cheap on Amazon. Some of them are called "Fairy lights" or just micro LEDs.
But the point is, they are cheap, bright, waterproof even, and I'm wondering if they can be adapted to necks?
Or can you find the LEDs in a more adaptable format to use in a neck? Something like a strand of them that can be cut to length and wired to a battery source.
Just wondering. I may try it just to see how it works out, the price is certainly right!