apple device OS questions


Supporting Member
Sep 20, 2011
Los Angeleez
i recently bought a yamaha DTX502 drum module. the menus are horrible beyond description to deal with but i hear making adjustments via the app is much better. while many retailers and reviewers claim that the app for it has a version for windows, this isn't true and i don't have an apple device, so now i'm looking at used ipads and ipad minis. i'm only looking for ones that aren't associated with an apple account, and i'm not looking for one with 3g or 4g.

so i'm wondering a few things. first, what's the oldest ipad that comes with ios7 or higher? second, i've read that ipad 2nd gen has a lower version of ios, but that it can be updated to a higher version than io7. if that's the case does it cost money to do the update? do they allow used but unassociated ipads to to this update?

thanks - i'm clueless about apple!
iOS 7 and the iPad 2 are basically long gone. I'd get a refurbished iPad mini 2 or iPad 4 or air. The mini 1 and iPad 3 are slow. Updates don't cost money but you don't want the most up to date iOS on an older device anyway.

Are you on an Android device of any kind? I'm sure the app you need is available in the play store.
i want to spend as little on this as possible - you can get a used with warranty ipad mini 1 or ipad gen 2 for under $100. i don't need anything above ios 7 to run the app, and while in a perfect world i'd just go for something newer, i have pushed my music budget well into 2018 already :-/

i am on many android devices - yamaha reps and their tech specs tell me clearly that the app for my module is only for ios 7 and up. i asked a rep specific to their software department who told me they have no plans to add an android or windows version in the future :(
i want to spend as little on this as possible - you can get a used with warranty ipad mini 1 or ipad gen 2 for under $100. i don't need anything above ios 7 to run the app, and while in a perfect world i'd just go for something newer, i have pushed my music budget well into 2018 already :-/

i am on many android devices - yamaha reps and their tech specs tell me clearly that the app for my module is only for ios 7 and up. i asked a rep specific to their software department who told me they have no plans to add an android or windows version in the future :(
Those two particular devices are going to be annoyingly slow and buggy. iOS 7 is years old. Whatever you get is gonna have 9 or 10 and will work fine.
curses - foiled again!

this is something i'll have to look into and consider, i guess. i don't plan to use the device much at all - just to make occasional changes to settings, most just one time.
After some googling it seems about $200 is the best you're gonna do for at least an iPad 4 or mini 2. You could maybe get an iPhone 5 for less. It'll do what you need it to do. Or an iPod touch.
For reference, the iPad v4 (or earlier) is not compatible with iOS 11. That was the first iPad with the Lightning connector.

You can set up an Apple ID without using a credit card or other bank account, if that's your objection to getting an Apple ID.

Create or use your Apple ID without a payment method

i don't need ios 11 or 10 - only ios 7. i'm going to use this for a max of less than four hours in the next year, probably less than 5 minutes at a time.

i have an apple i.d. my only issues are that i want to go cheap on this - really cheap. i can get an ipad 2 or ipad mini 1 for under $100. i'm not going to use it except to adjust my drum settings. i have an android tablet already that i'm perfectly happy with.
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i don't need ios 11 or 10 - only ios 7. i'm going to use this for a max of less than four hours in the next year, probably less than 5 minutes at a time.

i have an apple i.d. my only issues are that i want to go cheap on this - really cheap. i can get an ipad 2 or ipad mini 1 for under $100. i'm not going to use it except to adjust my drum settings. i have an android tablet already that i'm perfectly happy with.
It says you need at least 7 because it has to have at least that to work. It's not as if devices with 10 or 11 are offering some kind of bonus.
You don't need to seek out an iPad with iOS 7. I doubt you could find one if you tried.

You can get a 2 or mini 1 for cheap but it's gonna cause nothing but frustration as the app freezes over and over again.
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