To be clear(and not to confuse you), are you looking at new Acoustic gear, as found at Guitar Center, or something used there or at another store or on Craigslist, etc? Please know that the “Acoustic” brand has gone through different eras. The original company, from the late 60’s on through to the 80’s, was a substantial bass amp company, although their products eventially took a nosedive in quality. They first issued the iconic 360 rig, and then offered smaller, budget oriented set-ups, some of those cabs, while not great, are usable and can still be found in the used market. After the original company folded, Samick eventually aquired the name, producing some hefty cabs with cosmetics reminiscent of the older gear and more modern design, but not much came of those. Then Guitar Center got the name, and used it for a house brand line of off-shore manufactured bass amps in different configurations; more budget than pro. I’m guessing that’s the kind if stuff you’re looking at, but if you have $500, as someone else pointed out, you can get more bang for the buck buying an older, used piece of relatively upscale gear if you don’t mind the weight. What head do you have?I'm somewhat new to bass and I don't have much of a budget. Acoustic Cabinets are the cheapest I could find and just want to know if they're are any good. If not are there any other Cabinets to recommend?