Are black basses 4 sale like black kittens at the shelter?

Now for obvious reason I don't know what everyone else prefer in terms of finish color for their basses, but a big hint ought to be that most basses that are only offered in 2 colors, 1 of them will be a black finish, and the other usually either red or white, so I would think it is a pretty popular finish.

And my best guess is that the out of those more black basses are sold than the red or white ones.

As for my personal favorite finish is matte black, but I'll take a regular black one if it doesn't come in matte, which most basses doesn't.
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I dunno. My #1 guitar, my#1 bass and an additional guitar ended up being tobacco sunburst, a color I don't even like, except that it has been frequently applied to instruments I like. That's the only color that is a no go for me.

I recently bought a black PJ bass with a black neck and everything. Part of the reason it appealed to be was the color. I have a similarly colored Yamaha baritone guitar. My favorite instrument color is white, but I do not own a white instrument.
I have two black shortys. Also a black full scale I'm refinishing in green. I go out of my way to avoid more black and/or sunburst basses. (tho I can appreciate pretty examples)

Others prefer black and/or sunburst.

I have not noticed any problem when moving black bassies. It takes all kinds.
Black shows scratches and dings more than other colors. If it's in less than great shape or even not enough time taken to blow off the dust and remove finger prints on a black bass, that can be a turn off leading to an instrument sitting instead of selling.
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black basses rock



I play a lot of gigs where I'm way in the back of the stage - the singers get all the light. Although only one of my basses is black, most of them look essentially black when you see pictures of me on stage. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a black bass. A white one I would avoid - it's not my job to stand out.
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Love a black bass with dark rosewood and a black pickguard. White and sunburst are also fine.

I'm not thrilled about red and blue ones. Ironically my current main player is red.
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With the exception of 3TB I prefer darker colors and IME, darker colors seem to sell better than lighter colors. It’ll take a burst finish if the intent is to flip it, but i’d need to be out of options otherwise to go with a burst or light color if i’m looking to actually use it. That said, my favorite bass has a clear coated blond ash body. Go figure.