This "Band Management" forum is understandably rife with complaints and "gig horror" stories. This is not meant as a complaint - I totally get it. I think it's valuable, both in (hopefully) providing some relief/release to the folks sharing/venting as well as "cautionary tales" from which others may learn. Not to mention the plethora of (IMO) sage advice dispensed here regularly.
I feel extremely fortunate in that the majority of the 15 years I spent gigging full-time on the road and on ships was, while not perfect, pretty pleasant overall with one exception. The band I was in for the longest I truly loved, but later I also spent 10 short months - and by that, I mean the longest 10 months of my life - in "the band from Hell", whose leader was once described very accurately in my opinion by another member: "He may not be evil, but if not he's closer than anyone I've ever met." I quit that band 2000 miles from home with no car, $1200 to my name and no prospects and was thrilled to have been able to do so. To this day, watching that truck pulling out of the parking lot without me in it remains one of my happiest moments. I literally jumped up in the air and clicked my heels. I'm out, baby!!! But I digress...
So, while almost all of what I have read here only reinforces my decision to stay retired and increases my gratitude in having the option to do so, it also sparks my curiosity: There have to be some folks out there whose situations would have the opposite effect of making me want to start gigging again, so how many of you have or had awesome gigs that you were just totally "over the moon", "I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!" thrilled to have? TIA
I feel extremely fortunate in that the majority of the 15 years I spent gigging full-time on the road and on ships was, while not perfect, pretty pleasant overall with one exception. The band I was in for the longest I truly loved, but later I also spent 10 short months - and by that, I mean the longest 10 months of my life - in "the band from Hell", whose leader was once described very accurately in my opinion by another member: "He may not be evil, but if not he's closer than anyone I've ever met." I quit that band 2000 miles from home with no car, $1200 to my name and no prospects and was thrilled to have been able to do so. To this day, watching that truck pulling out of the parking lot without me in it remains one of my happiest moments. I literally jumped up in the air and clicked my heels. I'm out, baby!!! But I digress...
So, while almost all of what I have read here only reinforces my decision to stay retired and increases my gratitude in having the option to do so, it also sparks my curiosity: There have to be some folks out there whose situations would have the opposite effect of making me want to start gigging again, so how many of you have or had awesome gigs that you were just totally "over the moon", "I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this!" thrilled to have? TIA