Axl Rose wants fat memes removed from Google [DMCA takedown rcv'd; edited to remove images]

Feb 22, 2013
Absolutely hilarious. What an ego.

Axl Rose Wants Google To Remove Fat Axl Meme

**Post edited by TalkBass Admin**
And now he's found your post! Sad to say, we don't have legal funds to fight even a silly DMCA takedown notice (attachments removed)

Urgent / Axl Rose – Copyright, Malicious Communications & Consumer Protection Notice and Breach of Terms of Service Notification (Without Prejudice Save as to Costs –
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on a side note, there is an enjoyable documentary on Guns N Roses in their very early days called A Night in the Jungle (I think) – what I remember most about it is that the young Axl came across as a smart, focused guy. while the others are all being drunk and rowdy, he talks quite earnestly about trying to steer their career in the best direction and not sign with the wrong label, etc. it's a shame he seemed to lose the plot a bit once he got famous.
If they get pulled, the kids can just use pics of 70s variety show era Paul Williams. Nobody will know the dif.
