Morning, 13.02.18
Can any one steer me to the easiest way to learn fret notes
i know abcdef and can work up when i find an 'a'
also been messing about with scales
been playing a while but all by ear now time to take it seriosly
If anyone can regress back to this stage in their playing ... even thinking of note stickers on the fret.
I pick bass up daily and just need a bit of structure and guidance
Can any one steer me to the easiest way to learn fret notes
i know abcdef and can work up when i find an 'a'
also been messing about with scales
been playing a while but all by ear now time to take it seriosly
If anyone can regress back to this stage in their playing ... even thinking of note stickers on the fret.
I pick bass up daily and just need a bit of structure and guidance