Double Bass bad bass setup, do i still practice?


Mar 5, 2015
hi, all, im still a somewhat beginner playerc with upright, on a 70+year old kay bass. last year the neck came unglued whuch i was able to repair. but since the action and srt up is still really bad, with really high string heights especially past the first octave(making thumb position alnost impossible.) im trying to get to a Luthier, but mostly right now im just really curious if it's still beneficial to practice if im hurting my body every time I do it?
This would be better off on the DB side of the fence rather than BG

Anyhow, FWIW, it shouldn't make you worse but trust your body with the pain threshold. Don't force it if it become unbearable. Obviously, the sooner you get it to a luthier, the better.
... 70+year old kay bass. last year the neck came unglued which i was able to repair. but since the action and set up is still really bad, with really high string heights especially past the first octave (making thumb position almost impossible.) im trying to get to a Luthier, ...

Don't be surprised if the luthier tells you s/he'll have to redo the neck reset. It seems likely that it's at the wrong angle, which is at least contributing to your action problem. When a Kay dovetail gives, the mortise in the block usually compresses, making the joint permanently loose. Gluing it back together is generally ineffective, which is why so many Kays have been butchered with screws, bolts, nails, brackets, all manner of indignities. There are ways to fix this well, but they're not really for beginners.

If you haven't done so already, I invite you to PM me to get your bass into the Kay Bass and Cello Registry at