Bass amp under 300€ (more / less) - TC Electronics vs Ashdown vs ?

Jun 22, 2011
Hi, i was thinking to sell my current Taurus BL-12 - great amp, but too heavy to move it for every rehersal up to the 2nd floor (about 26kg). I was thinking about something more compact, however loud enough to easily takes rehersals (1 guitar and drums, rock band).
ATM i had 2 potential ideas : either a lighter combo (the easy way) or a small cab + head.
For option 1 I was thinking TC Electronics BG250 1*12' or 1*15' if the 12' wont be enought.
Option 2: my local music store has an ashdown mi10 (10' cabinet 250W, 8ohm, super nice price as it is the last one in store) and I was thinkig to combine it with either ashdown RM220 or TC Electronics BH250/BQ250/BG500 all of which are 4ohm. I may just add, that I don't care too much for the tone print option - not a gamechanger for me.

I always owned a combo, so I have minimal knowledge about head+cab (played many, but owned none :D ). I would be very grateful for any opinions on those amps or some other alternatives both for combos or heads.