Bass Combo to be heard over a Loud drummer Budget 500€

I knew a bass player who had the old versions. The 2x10 was plenty loud and sounded good -- the 1x15 was sometimes loud enough but it never sounded good!
He was using the 2x10 live at a smallish club -- the soundman not only took him out of the PA but asked him to turn down as he was overpowering the rest of us!
My sound IS pretty MID focused
Well you can cross GK off your list as their signature sound is the severely mid-scooped tone darling of the L.A. hair bands of the 1980s.
Agular has a very mid forward baked in sound. MarkBass would also be a brand to consider. A very new bass amp to consider would be the digital modeling Fender Rumble Stage 800. While no amp can be all things to all people, the Stage 800 does come close.