Bass effect on the linked song. Few distortion and comp?


Jun 12, 2016
Hi all!

I can´t understand how to obtain the bass sound of this track: "Gaz - Sing sing 1979".

I am actually a little close to it just pulling up gain and putting bass + mid at max on the eq of the amp. But... is not so similar

Is there any compressor + few distortion (perhaps only induced by the compressor)?

I can also obtain a similar sound using a bass preacher (both the gain and compressor level set to 12:00) going then inside a moog mf-101 bypassed but saturating a little the input with its drive knob (active also when bypassed).

Thanks in advance for your support... hoping to reach soon a level where I can also support the forum!!!

thank you for the suggestion. I will investigate the possibility of using an alternative pick up. It seems Seymour Duncan has in catalogue a 4-string Music Man Stingray pickup.

thank you again for the suggestion!
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Hi! Thank you all again for the suggestions. This is how it looks now.
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Very close, except for the typical difference of long vs short scale, that is still present. But, close enough and nice. Maybe I should also change strings... it could be really the right time considering their status... really...
