I'm selling my Squier Jaguar short-scale bass, for two reasons: first, I didn't like the sound (it sounded really thin on the D and G strings and didn't cut through the mix – I'm assuming part of it is user error, since EQing is kind of a mystery to me). And second, my other two basses are long-scale (a Brice 5-string fretless and a Epiphone T-Bird Pro), so every time I learned a new song on the short-scale, I'd have to re-learn it on one of my long-scales.
Anyway, I'm in the market for a new bass, and I saw the one in the picture on Craigslist. It's a Squier, so I'm kinda nervous since Squier is VERY hit-or-miss; I know some of their basses play really well for the price, while others require a ton of fiddling and modification to get a good sound. (I know I'll eventually need to invest in a high-end bass, but I just don't have the money right now.)
I tried to do a GIS to figure out what kind of Squier Precision bass this is, but I can't seem to figure it out. So, two questions: 1) What kind of Squier Precision is this? And 2) Is it good quality for the money?
Any help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!