Bass Question


I'm selling my Squier Jaguar short-scale bass, for two reasons: first, I didn't like the sound (it sounded really thin on the D and G strings and didn't cut through the mix – I'm assuming part of it is user error, since EQing is kind of a mystery to me). And second, my other two basses are long-scale (a Brice 5-string fretless and a Epiphone T-Bird Pro), so every time I learned a new song on the short-scale, I'd have to re-learn it on one of my long-scales.

Anyway, I'm in the market for a new bass, and I saw the one in the picture on Craigslist. It's a Squier, so I'm kinda nervous since Squier is VERY hit-or-miss; I know some of their basses play really well for the price, while others require a ton of fiddling and modification to get a good sound. (I know I'll eventually need to invest in a high-end bass, but I just don't have the money right now.)

I tried to do a GIS to figure out what kind of Squier Precision bass this is, but I can't seem to figure it out. So, two questions: 1) What kind of Squier Precision is this? And 2) Is it good quality for the money?

Any help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Ah, okay. That's what I was worried about – I've heard a lot of bad reviews of the Affinity series. They're asking $350 for the bass and the amp, but since it's Craigslist, I don't know if that's a sign of quality or that they just want to get rid of it. (The post says they bought it to try and learn the bass but never ended up using it.)