Bass solo on Green Onion suggestions?

Feb 25, 2013
I have solo en semble this weekend for orchestra class and I want a bass solo in the song green onions, but I'm scared that I'm going to suck so I haven't asked for one yet. Also the entire song is pizz except the last to measures. Should I use my bow for the solo or just keep doing pizz? Do you have any good tips for me to sound great on my upright? Any rhythms you would suggest for a jazzy 50s song?
Yours truly,
As long as you have a good sound, it is your choice (or the director's) to use the bow or play pizzicato during your solo. Here is a tip: Use the melody to base your solo on. It probably is not in your part so you will either have to learn it by ear (record the orchestra) or look at the score. You can ornament the melody rhythmically in the groove of the chart. Use the rhythms of the song and the accompaniment as a basis for your rhythmic improvisations as well.