Double Bass Bass Sounds Light Weight in Cold Dry Weather

Nov 4, 2012
Just got in from a concert style gig where I played all acoustic, no amp. We were playing jazz, with a gypsy style guitar and clarinet. I have always felt my gigging bass (used it since '74) sounds light and kinda weak in the super dry cold days. It's been cold lately.

Played a gig with this bass and amp & loud drummers both last Fri and Sat and did not notice the bass sounding wimpy. Maybe we don't really hear when drums and amps are involved.

I tried a hygrometer guage for the first time with this bass where I keep it tucked away in the basement. It read 30%RH. The bass was really a light weight at the gig, the E string especially.

The rest of the house is at 45%RH so I'm going to keep this bass with the others in the bass room & make it happy :)

Anyone else notice this weather effect?
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Just got in from a concert style gig where I played all acoustic, no amp. We were playing jazz, with a gypsy style guitar and clarinet. I have always felt my gigging bass (used it since '74) sounds light and kinda weak in the super dry cold days. It's been colder than a witches *** lately.

Played a gig with this bass and amp & loud drummers both last Fri and Sat and did not notice the bass sounding wimpy. Maybe we don't really hear when drums and amps are involved.

I tried a hygrometer guage for the first time with this bass where I keep it tucked away in the basement. It read 30%RH. The bass was really a light weight at the gig, the E string especially.

The rest of the house is at 45%RH so I'm going to keep this bass with the others in the bass room & make it happy :)

Anyone else notice this weather effect?
Definitely! I find my basses sound thinner in the drier it gets. As the humidity rises the low-end seems to return. The flip side is the bass seems to speak slightly slower in higher humidity.
When I lived in Edmonton this made winter pretty unsatisfying.
Same here. Trying to do some tracking. No life whatsoever. I’m losing my mind over the last few days.

It been so cold for so long. I’ve got a humidifier in my rehearsal room and one for the house. They barely keep up.
Here in humidity central i actually prefer when it gets drier. When it gets colder and drier, the strings go down, so I adjust them twice a year, up for winter and back down for summer. Those little "tweener" periods can be tricky!
Agreed on string height changes and also a less full acoustic sound in winter (speaking of my cello here, my Kay plywood bass seemed impervious to anything). I keep a humidifier in the room in winter and use a couple of Dampits when traveling. That helps. Even with that, the pegs still require some Peg Drops to stop slipping after they shrink. Cellists ought to adopt geared tuners and adjustible bridges as a standard Imo. But very unlikely
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While some sound differences may arise from changes in the actual humidity content in the woods of an instrument, the majority of weaker or more compressed tone, increased wolf note awfulness, or whatever failings you're perceiving in your basses when humidity falls (heating systems generally dry out winter air indoors, even subfloor heating to some degree) are owing to tightening of the belly and back against the soundpost. A soundpost can't shrink with winter. Belly and back (at least with arched backs) try to get narrower (minimally however, with plywood basses) but as the ribs, especially along the bottom, prevent this narrowing, the arching gets flatter instead. That flattening squeezes the soundpost, often quite dramatically. I've seen many bass soundposts so tight that after taking off the string pressure then gently forcing the soundpost out, the belly has fallen 2mm or more. Ideally a soundpost should be fitted such that there is no descernible pressure raising the belly, so such cases demonstrate that the post was fitted in humid conditions and has been tightened by the dryness-triggered compression against the soundpost ends by belly and back.

Many years ago it was standard fare for musicians to drop by a luthier's shop and have seasonal soundpost adjustments to at least largely compensate for this. The same post can be used, but of course when humidity drops into the low 30% range the post would have to move towards the centre of the instrument owing to arching geometry. This would result in some loss of volume, especially in the lower registers. Some players would actually have 2 soundposts for just this reason, a winter and a summer soundpost. (On a related note, Gary Karr used to travel with 3 bridges of varying heights, as he didn't want bridge adjusters yet wanted to maintain consistent string heights in various climates - his adoption of an adjustable necked bass took away this necessity.) Watching a hygrometer, especially the modern digital hygrometers which are generally quite accurate, can easily tell the player when it's time for such an adjustment or even a soundpost change. But even without a hygrometer, common sense should tell us that when it's cold outside, the furnace is on, and it's probably time for an adjustment as humidity inside is dropping.

This past winter in my region hasn't been all that harsh, not many weeks below freezing really. Still, it has been something of a battle keeping humidity in the mid-30's in my instrument storage room with just a Sunbeam ultrasonic humidifier. For some of the time I've had to supplement that thing running at full blast with a large plastic storage tub full of water, and for a week when I was out of town last November and couldn't fill the humidifier, I hung a towel into the water tub with most of the wet towel exposed above it, acting as a wick. Checking my hygrometer which records highest and lowest humidity, I was relieved to find it had not dipped below 33%. At 30% nasty cracking sounds are virtually inevitable... and then the hunt is on among the 50+ violins and violas and the several doublebasses in that 9 foot by 11 foot room. I've not heard those sounds since one very dry day in the mid-1990's, before I was aware of the danger. An icy wind had come from the North, and three very fine antique basses started making noises like popcorn within an hour of the furnace kicking in. I put a stock pot of water on a hotplate near them and within an hour the noises had stopped, leaving me with a lot more repairs than the owners of those basses had anticipated, for which of course I did not charge. Likely the same sorts of cracks would have opened at their homes, but it happened on my watch. The next winter during a similar cold snap a bass which had never cracked in decades suddenly opened up along one rib while in transit to my home for a different reason, a mere hour at sub-30% RH was enough to stress the wood that much.

Take humidity seriously, compensate for it whenever possible, and avoid dampit type things as if filled enough to make even a little bit of difference they tend to drip and cause damage. The more recent microfiber bags of water seem to offer a superior portable solution, the entire outside surface delivering evaporating water to the inside of a bass or cello. The most effective home made solution I've seen for portable humidification is a pair of large sandwich ziploc bags with numerous holes punched using a paper punch, and these filled with good quality sponges, these improvised evaporators then inserted into each f-hole and hanging by well secured strings between the two. It's not ideal, still leaves the possibility of dripping damage, but if one is careful to wring them out and check them frequently and keeps the gig bag zipped up around the bass, they can do an adequate job. Of course once the bass is out at a venue there's not a lot to be done... so a winter soundpost seems a good idea to preserve at least most of your sound.
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Many years ago it was standard fare for musicians to drop by a luthier's shop and have seasonal soundpost adjustments to at least largely compensate for this. The same post can be used, but of course when humidity drops into the low 30% range the post would have to move towards the centre of the instrument owing to arching geometry. This would result in some loss of volume, especially in the lower registers. Some players would actually have 2 soundposts for just this reason, a winter and a summer soundpost.

Many years ago? I've been switching out winter and summer posts for 43 years now! Is there something new now besides the adjustable Anima Nova?
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Many years ago? I've been switching out winter and summer posts for 43 years now! Is there something new now besides the adjustable Anima Nova?
What I meant by 'many years ago' is that in my first decade doing this work, I had a lot of players of whatever violin family instrument coming to me for seasonal soundpost adjustments. Over time I've had fewer and fewer requests for this, seemingly more because musicians have less and less money than any other reason, even though I'll often make such a small adjustment for free if they just ask and there isn't anything else wrong. It's a trivial thing in many cases, just a few minutes at most, to change position, tune up and test, then maybe repeat once or twice to get it just right. But for whatever reason, demand for seasonable adjustments has become rather small. Which is sad, because it's a rare instrument indeed which does not suffer acoustically from the effects of low humidity in winter.

I don't know this 'adjustable Anima Nova'... wow, looking into it, this is really interesting, thank you for pointing it out! I've been thinking about designs for an adjustable bass soundpost for since 2010 but haven't yet come up with a completely satisfying design which could also collapse a small amount when a bass gets dropped in transit - something I very much want to make for my next travel bass owing to the risk of soundpost cracks in either plate at the hands of airline baggage handlers. I see that Mario Lamarre is linked from their site as a Canadian distributor so will contact him about this. Although from the inventor's pictures this seems an admirable solution to adjustability and an accurate, stable fit, it does not seem to have any impact protection built in... so that is likely something I shall still have to build myself for this bass and for travel basses generally. I'm torn between a slotted ball and socket joint which could collapse at something like 10 pounds greater than string tension, and a crushable aluminum element which would do the same but need replacing after an accident (easy enough to supply spares to the bassist, of course).
What I meant by 'many years ago' is that in my first decade doing this work, I had a lot of players of whatever violin family instrument coming to me for seasonal soundpost adjustments. Over time I've had fewer and fewer requests for this,

In Chicago and NE USA, at least, I think it's necessary to avoid the dreaded sp crack. We had a particularly brutal winter a few years ago and my luthier told me biz was booming. I saw many examples in his shop. I suppose the shorter winter post could be left in year round in some basses where it doesn't fall, maybe at the expense of sound.
Indeed, sound does tend to suffer a bit when the post is too short. Hence the habit of players a century ago and more according to the literature of carrying at least two different soundposts, with many learning at least basics of soundpost fitting so they wouldn't be reliant on luthiers. I've offered to teach players how to reset their posts, but generally they shy away from such arcanery. Intimidating somehow I guess. Since they're not showing up for many adjustments, I've taken to harsher and harsher warnings to those on my small email newsletter list. Some will write back saying they've already started using their humidifiers as soon as weather turned. Others say they'll do so, thanking me for the heads-up. But a surprising number insist that 'my bass just seems to be happy.' Well, good, I guess... but I grit my teeth a little with the latter, and hope I don't have yet another soundpost crack to repair as a result.