Hello, I'm currently playing a Yamaha BB234 and it's the only bass that i have. I've noticed that the slap sound of the bass is quite thin. It doesn't have that desired "clack" or "thump" sound. It sounds too thin in A, D, and G strings. Whenever I looked at youtube tutorials of slap it quite pretty different from what I have. I don't have that low end or "bassiness" to it while having a higher high end or treble on my bass (especially the G string). I also checked Yamaha BB234 reviews on youtube and it sounds pretty different from what I have, especilly the slap. The youtube reviews of BB234 got a little bit of bassiness to it, so the slap sounds better than mine. Meanwhile my technique is fine, I slap with my thumb with having a little bit of an upwarded angle to it And also I'm using a Fender Rumble LT25 that I brought recently (less 3 months ago). I have been playing with the EQ knobs on the amp and it doesn't change much. Also, my bass had never been shielded until now and I've been planning to do it. Could it change my tone to be a little bit bassier?