So, a bunch of stuff came in the mail this week, and I very happily screwed together a pedal board from scraps, put all my new and old toys onto it and proceded to make large amounts of noise.
But, the thing that's driving me crazy.. I swear my Bassballs never dropped volume like it does.
I first had it running from bass->balls->OD, so I wouldn't have noticed a volume drop anyways. Each powered by it's own wallwart.
I then had it going through an LS-2, so split, the OD in one chain and the Bassballs in the other. Each powered by it's own wallwart.
Now, I have it more or less doing the same thing, but I've added a fuzz to the OD side and power the whole thing from a Voodoo ISO-5. I swear, it's quieter than before. Maybe it's not. I tried both a regular 100mA and the 400mA out, same results. I've tried it without the other bits, just bass->balls->amp, and it's the same drop.
So, am I crazy/unobservant or is it possible I broke something by moving things around?
But, the thing that's driving me crazy.. I swear my Bassballs never dropped volume like it does.
I first had it running from bass->balls->OD, so I wouldn't have noticed a volume drop anyways. Each powered by it's own wallwart.
I then had it going through an LS-2, so split, the OD in one chain and the Bassballs in the other. Each powered by it's own wallwart.
Now, I have it more or less doing the same thing, but I've added a fuzz to the OD side and power the whole thing from a Voodoo ISO-5. I swear, it's quieter than before. Maybe it's not. I tried both a regular 100mA and the 400mA out, same results. I've tried it without the other bits, just bass->balls->amp, and it's the same drop.
So, am I crazy/unobservant or is it possible I broke something by moving things around?