
Dec 6, 2016
So I put a set of Rotosound Truebass black nylon flatwounds on my new Schecter Stiletto stealth 5.

I put black strings on a blacked out bass... So yeah I'm that guy.

All that aside, I found it was incredibly difficult for me to find a set of 5 string flatwounds. I went to 3 different music stores before ordering them offline. I understand that flats give a more mellow sound and can sound muddy if your EQ and tone's not there, but are they really that much of a commodity? Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are with flats I guess, and especially putting flats on a 5 string Precision/Humbucker combo?
I'm pretty traditional when it comes to my guitars and basses. You know, Fender Precisions and Gibson archtop guitars. Still I like the look of your bass. Very sharp looking.
As for flats...they're on both my basses (yup, just two) and up until recently I had them on all of my guitars except for my flat top Larrivee. Flat wounds are not so much a commodity as an oddity...still. Some folks like'em. But many don't.
I don't really get the question, is it a descripton of flatwounds in general you want or a descripton of nylon strings or both, or if flats cost more than roundwounds? Sorry for not understanding your initial question.
There are a great deal of threads about both kind of strings on p-basses and how and why some people prefer to play them.
I play different kindo flats on all my basses because I tried all kinds of strings on all of them and were most satisfied with the feel and tone when I got to a certain flat on a certain bass.
On P-basses I have liked Sadowsky black label flats, both gauges, GHS light gauge flats when broken in, and LaBella, no matter the gauges. The Fender flats have a thing going on as well on p-basses but I like them better on some jazz basses.
So I put a set of Rotosound Truebass black nylon flatwounds on my new Schecter Stiletto stealth 5.
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I put black strings on a blacked out bass... So yeah I'm that guy.

All that aside, I found it was incredibly difficult for me to find a set of 5 string flatwounds. I went to 3 different music stores before ordering them offline. I understand that flats give a more mellow sound and can sound muddy if your EQ and tone's not there, but are they really that much of a commodity? Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are with flats I guess, and especially putting flats on a 5 string Precision/Humbucker combo?

How do those sound on your new bass?
How do those sound on your new bass?

very warm. I boosted the mids and cut the lows. Got a good natural fuzz to it.

I don't really get the question, is it a descripton of flatwounds in general you want or a descripton of nylon strings or both, or if flats cost more than roundwounds? Sorry for not understanding your initial question.
There are a great deal of threads about both kind of strings on p-basses and how and why some people prefer to play them.
I play different kindo flats on all my basses because I tried all kinds of strings on all of them and were most satisfied with the feel and tone when I got to a certain flat on a certain bass.
On P-basses I have liked Sadowsky black label flats, both gauges, GHS light gauge flats when broken in, and LaBella, no matter the gauges. The Fender flats have a thing going on as well on p-basses but I like them better on some jazz basses.

Just wondering what people's opinions are on flats in general.

I have flats on both my bass's. The schecter stiletto, as well as on my Peavey Foundation. The ones on the Peavey aren't coated and have more of a thud to.
I see nothing wrong with that picture! I'm a big fan of tapewound strings (particularly D'Addario) and I'm almost certain the Stealth 5 will be my next bass. Rock out!

I see I have resurrected a zombie thread. How has your ownership been for the past few years?
very warm. I boosted the mids and cut the lows. Got a good natural fuzz to it.

Just wondering what people's opinions are on flats in general.

I have flats on both my bass's. The schecter stiletto, as well as on my Peavey Foundation. The ones on the Peavey aren't coated and have more of a thud to.

In general? I'm afraid that my opinion on flats is very one-sided...
- the bass I learned to play on in 1968 (a '68 Rick 4001) had flats on it;
- the bass I played in a band in '72-'73 (a friend's MIJ P-Bass copy) had flats on it; and
- 20 of my 23 basses (and all but 2 of my 7 guitars) have flats on them. And one of the 3 basses that don't wear flats, wears Roto Bass88 Tapes.
Personally, I hate the bright twanginess of rounds, and I have enough problems with my fingers without running them up and down a cheese grater. And the string noise from rounds? Don't get me started...:rollno: If you like those tapes on your Schecter? Then, play on, Brother; play on...:cool:
When the nylon tape finally gives out after a couple of years of steady gigging, if you want to complete the black-on-black, replace them with La Bella black tapes in the regular gauge, 60-135, as they have dark silks instead of the gold silks. Also, the G is a little more forgiving than on the Rotos. To me, a Roto nylon tape G string is awfully tight. I have gigged with them; they have a big, round tone, and that's about how long they lasted me before the divots in the nylon wrap were so bad I just had to replace the strings.