Bela fleck and the flektones victor wootens bass


Sep 8, 2018
I found nothing on the internet. Is there any live video for that upright bass. No one talks about this, wonder why


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No one talks about this, wonder why

Upright Bass Banjos. No, we don't talk about them much....In some towns you need a special permit to play one in public.....;)

We have a few threads here on TalkBass discussing the various upright bass banjos that have been built over the years. There aren't many. I don't remember who built that one that Victor has.

My own Banjozilla is one of the more famous ones. I actually played it last night at a local musical jam. It always draws a crowd. And frightens a few children. I have to be careful with it.

Bass Banjo
@Bruce Johnson ....did the rest of the band glance at you to see if the stage was level??? :roflmao:

They were mostly glancing at me to see which way I had it aimed! When one of them would start getting off time, I'd turn it toward the offender and give him a few heavy roots and fifths! Git that boy back in line!

Banjozilla is pretty loud, particularly if you are standing 10 feet in front of it. It's somewhat directional. Loudest straight in front; dropping off some as you move off axis.

It was Pizza Friday here in Fillmore. A weekly open acoustic jam session on the sidewalk out in front of Roan Mills Bakery, while they were serving their specialty pizzas. A couple of us playing at a time, to a crowd of maybe 30 pizza-munchers. We played bluegrass, cowboy music, old country classics, free-form blues, whatever we could remember. No official band here, just local folks who walk up and join in. Last night we had Mark on (normal size) long-neck banjo, and Greg on acoustic guitar. A nice old gentleman named Jim sat in on guitar and harmonica. A couple of women stepped in from the crowd and sang harmony with us. I kind of lead it all and do most of the singing. Switching back and forth between Banjozilla and my favorite fretless Scroll Bass (through a small cube amp). Simple fun music. Just the kind of environment Banjozilla was made for.