Best Amp Stand for metal???


Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2017
Canada, Eh!
OK, maybe for any genre... :)

I am looking for suggestions for a good 'sturdy & portable' amp stand.

I have two Hartke HD112 cabs , and I'm looking for a good way to elevate the top one a little closer to ear level.

I know there are a few amp stands on the market ( mostly geared towards pointing a single cab up at a fairly rakish angle...) and I'm wondering if there are any out there that could reasonably be used to go on top of the bottom cab to elevate the top cab (and maybe the head could sit under there...)

I suppose that I could just perch the two cabs on a big milk-crate, but I think that still wouldn't be quite high enough. I'm thinking that hoisting the top cab up a foot and half, AND tilted upwards '"a bit" would give me a good listenable stack if I am standing a few feet in front of it.

Anyone have a similar situation they have solved elegantly?
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Bearing in mind the aesthetics of metal as regards stacks of cabs, would the right solution be another cab? If you can find something cheap locally with a blown driver, and maybe slice off the back of the driver to leave just an unsupported cone for less weight? Maybe subdivide it so it can be used as a flight case/storage for other kit so the space in the van isn't wasted?
Get a road case made for the cabs. Stack the cabs on top when playing. If thats not an option maybe consider installing 3 PA pole mounts to lift the top cab to the desired height. You could put them in a triangle pattern and cut the rear pole a little shorter to get a bit of angle on the top cab.
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All good ideas... Thanks! I was originally planning a third cabinet (3-12 stack) when I noticed that two of these is kind of "pushing it already" when it comes to loading up my little car :unsure: