Black Bass String (5 set) Identification


Commercial User
Jan 16, 2019
Hey all this is my first post I found this great forum post about bass silk colors ( ) and so I was wondering if anyone can help me find out what black strings with red silk are on my bass when I bought it. Also feel free to suggest/comment on your favorite light 5 string bass sets.

I figured that they were DR Black Beauties but the DR strings dont have the colored fabric. I dont know what that fabric is officially call but I have heard it refered to as the yarn or the silk of the strings.

My Ibanez bass's strings are flatwound over a round core but they seem light to play or perhaps hollowcore or slotted core if that exists. Here are the pictures, I wonder if they are made by Ibanez possibly? I wrote ernie ball and they emailed me back saying to contact Ibanez directly I really was hoping someone on here saw these black coated strings with the red colored silk.
100_3761.JPG 100_3762.JPG
First off, welcome! I don't know that much the finer points of strings (or to paraphrase Sir Paul, I just know mine are the long shiny kind... LOL) but I have an idea or two. I have a feeling that what you have there are tape wound strings. That's why the flatwound appearance. The colored strings that DR makes are all round wound, so not from them for sure. I'm most familiar with tape wounds being made by Rotosound, though I'm sure there are a number of other companies that do as well. There are many folks here much smarter than me that may be able to give an actual ID for you.

One more thought, you might want to see if you can get this thread moved to the Strings section. You'd likely get a lot more results there.

Again, welcome, and best of luck figuring your strings out!
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Thanks I had never heard of tapewound strings thanks Perhaps they are Also D Addarios Now I am left to try in measure the gauges with a ruler and/or see If I can open a pack at the store with permission to see if it has red silk. I dont think we have those UK logo Rotosound but they seem like the best strings I have ever used. I may also try the half rounds. I wish I had a close up of all the strings comparison like this from. The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Everything About Bass Guitar Strings

Hey... I was looking through some old threads and found a mention of black tape wound strings with red silks. It identified them as GHS Black Nylon Tapewound. That might be a starting point. Figuring out the gauge is still going to be a challenge/guess, but this might get you in the right direction.