Blend Pot behaviour


practice, practice, practice.
Supporting Member
Jul 3, 2011
This post is really an extension from another one I started, but a little further down the track....

I have a question for the tech heads. My Fender Jazz Elite 2016 has a faulty pcb mounted blend pot. While I'm waiting for my backordered replacement pcb, I thought I'd have a play with teh original one....It was clear from emails received that Fender or CTS (pot manufacturer) refuse to sell me the single component. I've been in touch with Fender service and they actually suggested a replacement pot which I have now fastidiously mounted on the pcb (nice job if I do say so myself) , now I get a full bridge pickup signal full turn one way (counterclockwise), a full neck pickup signal the other way (clockwise), however at center detent I have zero signal? Any clues?
sounds like you got them backwards, wrong side of the gang...
If it were me,
I'd swap that V/B situation out for a V/V situation, so you're no longer at the mercy of Fender or CTS.

I did that for my Ibanez SR eXtreme when I had a scratchy blend pot, & happy with the change.

Is your blend being fed directly from the pickups, or do the wires from the blend go to the preamp?
Since those have a passive/active switch, I'd think that the pickups would feed directly into the blend.

add: forget all that, I no idea how complicated that is on an Elite
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I'm pretty sure it's being fed directly from the pickups - looks like that from what I can tell on the PCB, It's hard to swap around because its pot leg into a PCB mount, I'll try with some wire extensions and see if that makes a difference. Thanks.
It looks like the pickups are feeding the center lugs, so I'll have a go at wiring it to suit that arrangement.

Click on the image link for a higher resolution.