BOSS TR-2 volume drop - fixed with compression?

Jul 17, 2011
Binghamton, New York

I'm in project now where a drummer, keyboardist and I are handling all of the "musical" duties (no guitarist). So basically keys and bass are in charge of making a lot of noise, and consequently my pedalboard is now full of a lot of noise-making devices lol! The board is pretty much complete, but I would like to add a tremolo pedal to round things out. From what I've read online and listened to on YouTube the BOSS TR-2 would work perfectly for what I want (plus they are cheap used), but many people complain of a noticeable volume drop with the pedal. I have a compressor at the end of my chain (working primarily as a limiter) to control volume spikes, my question is would the compressor as set bring the volume of the TR-2 up in the mix? Pedalboard picture attached - thanks!
Pedalboard 3-23-18.jpg

I have a TR-2 and don't notice a problematic volume drop. I do think it (like so many pedals) is best when it's set for a subtle effect. But I don't notice mine altering the tone or volume of my instrument much at all.
Change of opinion here. No gigs this weekend so had lots of time to work with pedals. Noticed a subtle but audible drop in bass when the TR-2 was on. One would hear this loss of bass as a loss of volume. A compressor could work or maybe try using a clean boost when the TR-2 is on.
"Volume loss" is natural with the effect since it spends little time actually at the maximum volume. Compression is not the best solution for this, since it will change the swell and fade sound and add noise. A boost pedal would work better to make up the loss.
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From what I've read online and listened to on YouTube the BOSS TR-2 would work perfectly for what I want (plus they are cheap used), but many people complain of a noticeable volume drop with the pedal.

The drop in volume is a feature of the early TR-2. Keeley used to have a mod available to fix this. Think they got out of the mod business though.

Boss fixed the volume issue, so if you buy a newer one or a keeley modded one, should not be a problem.
"Volume loss" is natural with the effect since it spends little time actually at the maximum volume. Compression is not the best solution for this, since it will change the swell and fade sound and add noise. A boost pedal would work better to make up the loss.
Just got an MIJ on Friday!!! :woot:
After reading this and a few mod articles, stopped by my LMS, picked up a TC Electronic Spark Mini and put it after the OC-2. Problem solved! No sense in buggering up a classic with my lack of soldering skills. Thanks Alien8! :bassist::bassist::bassist:
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