Bow length

Jun 30, 2015
I am wanting to learn how to bow. I am wondering which bow length is more common, 3/4 or full. I play a 3/4 size bass, and I'm a 5'2'' woman. Any other bow purchasing trips are welcome!
Hi Hilary,

I believe 3/4 sized bows are reserved for younger students (middle school age and below). My bow measures 28 inches, but this can vary by a few inches either way. The bow length doesn't necessarily depend on the size of the bass you're using - it's more of a preference.

Are you looking at a bow in particular? I'd be happy to help you in your bow shopping.
Lauren Pierce is correct. You should play a full size professional bow. There are variations in length and weight of various bows.
Here is a nice buying guide about bows from Gollihur music.
Bows: Double Bass Bow Choices (A 'Buyer's Guide') at Gollihur Music - Double Bass, Upright Bass, String Bass Specialists
He also has a link on that page to a FAQ page about the two main styles of bows:
BOWS: French and German Style - FAQ courtesy of
Lauren is very kind to offer help with a bow purchase. You also could consult with a local professional in your area. I have a nice wood bow that I got from Francois Rabbath in the 1980's, but I mostly use carbon fiber bows from David Gage. He calls them the "Metropolitan".
David Gage String Instruments
Good Luck in your search.
I've been back & forth with this for years - long vs short, German vs French

I think it's a choice thing. I've ended up with a medium length French bow after fighting with longer German bows for a while.

For what it's worth Edgar Meyer plays a relatively short bow with some pretty good results. haha
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