I'm currently working with my instructor on beginning arco technique with German bow hold and I'm really enjoying it. I have managed to learn "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" (ha!) as well as the D major scale; while working on proper left and right hand form for double bass. This is such a revelation for me as I've had no formal training whatsoever with the bow.
What I'm having trouble with is what my instructor calls "Bow Management." I am understanding that this is managing the process of upbow and downbow to allow the motion of the bow to last as long as the note requires. Since we are doing exclusively four beats per measure right now, I'm trying to consciously divide the length of the bow into four imaginary lines -- one per beat -- so as to allow me to pull through the bow motion in time and not run out of length on the bow. I'm frequently running out of bow before I finish the beats. I feel like I'm worrying too much about where on the bow to start the hair on the string before downbow and upbow instead of just relaxing and playing through it without thinking about it so much.
This is so much harder than it seems and I'm wondering if anyone has any exercises or tips that could help me improve with this technique. Thanks.
What I'm having trouble with is what my instructor calls "Bow Management." I am understanding that this is managing the process of upbow and downbow to allow the motion of the bow to last as long as the note requires. Since we are doing exclusively four beats per measure right now, I'm trying to consciously divide the length of the bow into four imaginary lines -- one per beat -- so as to allow me to pull through the bow motion in time and not run out of length on the bow. I'm frequently running out of bow before I finish the beats. I feel like I'm worrying too much about where on the bow to start the hair on the string before downbow and upbow instead of just relaxing and playing through it without thinking about it so much.
This is so much harder than it seems and I'm wondering if anyone has any exercises or tips that could help me improve with this technique. Thanks.