Brighter soapbar pickup for 5-string

Which EMG40s? There are lots of different models, with different tones. I can’t imagine anything brighter than a 40DC-X, for instance.
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Did you swap the 25kΩ pots EMG uses for the appropriate 250kΩ, or even better 500kΩ if you want even more top end?
Maybe a Q-Tuner, if you can find one. Zen Blade might be close, or maybe Big Rig. In parallel or course… or a split coil wired in parallel - maybe a split J, Big Split, or the Dingwall pickup.

But yeah, what EMGs exactly did you have? Active or passive? I’d imagine their active pickups should be plenty bright…
I wanted less highs so swapped my EMG40DCs for a 40P5 and a 40CSX

Others asked but do you know what 40 model you had? If it was a set of DCs then the issue might not be the pickups as those are super bright.

Are you using the EMG active blend control?
EMG-X with BQC sounds amazing. DC40 is the size, but as other’s have said, there are a ton of different pickups that they make in that size so you have to know which ones you had to determine which direction to move.
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