Built in FX ideas?


Jun 24, 2016
Long Island, NY
So I've got a MIJ Fender Jaguar bass. It's got a by passable active preamp that I hardly ever use. I was thinking that it would be a cool experiment to remove the preamp and replace it with the internals of an effect or something like that. I was thinking a clean boost pedal like the TC spark would be simple and cool. Any one else have any ideas?
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Lita Ford's Warlock guitar (nicknamed Morice) has a boost switch onboard:

B.C. Rich Lita Ford Signature Warlock Electric Guitar


that first switch up from the bottom is the boost
unfortunately BC Rich has completely removed their page that once included the specs for the guitar :bored:
Effects on basses almost always wind up being gimmicky. Stick to something practical, like a clean boost, or perhaps a distortion. If you stick a flanger or a delay pedal in there, the thrill will wear off pretty fast.

I seem to recall a particular company offering effects pedals in onboard preamp format, for precisely this purpose. Perhaps someone recalls the name?
Effects on basses almost always wind up being gimmicky. Stick to something practical, like a clean boost, or perhaps a distortion. If you stick a flanger or a delay pedal in there, the thrill will wear off pretty fast.

I seem to recall a particular company offering effects pedals in onboard preamp format, for precisely this purpose. Perhaps someone recalls the name?
Yeah I agree, stuff like that is better suited to a pedal board. Probably gonna stick a cheap boost in there just to see if I can. Think an MXR Micro amp would sound nice? Also, will having the boost's circuitboard so close to the pickups cause some sort of interference?
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Guitar Fetish has some onboard effects they market under the MODboard name. Details here.

I don't think they're that great an idea. You're better off sticking to a preamp. If you're bored, get a better one.