buying a MM Stingray in New York

Hey fellow bass players!

I will be going to NYC for a couple of weeks in November and I've got some serious G.A.S. for a 5-string MM Stringray.

I live in Europe and don't know the local market in NYC, but what I know is that it is way cheaper to get a US-made instrument in the States, so I want to take advantage of the trip and get myself a nice 5-string :)

1) Can you recommend some local stores in NYC with a good selection of new and used Stingrays?

2) Are local prices in New York generally ok or should I rather order something on-line?

Thanks in advance for all your hints!

Check EBMM's website for dealers in the area. I know Guitar Center on 14th Street carries them, but I have no idea about others.

The local prices depend. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are high. Everything in NYC is generally more expensive, and as mentioned, sales tax is pretty high as well. I try to buy most of my high ticket items out of the city, especially a $2K bass.