Buzz from over-shielding or shielding paint?


Functionless Art is Merely Tolerated Vandalism
Dec 22, 2010
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Like many of us, I get the Best Bass Gear promo e-mails. I recently got one for the Aero dBuz Noise Cancelling Cable. It is basically a cable with a piece of metal you wear to prevent RF interference. It costs more than a quality shielding job but some might want to go this route.

Anyway, this thread isn't about the cable but more about one of their questions. They ask "does over-shielding or shielding paint cause buzz?" I have never heard of over-shielding or of shielding paint/copper/aluminum actually causing buzz. I thought I would toss it out here and see if anybody can enlighten me on these.
It can if the shielding foil or paint is not grounded.

Just as our bodies collect electrical noise when we are not grounded, a shield will also collect electrical noise if it is not grounded. This noise is then coupled into the instrument circuitry.

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Well, we are allowed opinions...mine is that the product would have no affect whatsoever on any of the problems they listed as questions, including the ones that never existed, (like the buzzing shield, and the fighting someone in the studio, (that never makes for a quiet track, and a bunch of stuff could get boot).
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