My band plays metal in drop "G" tuning my lowest string is tuned to G-0 which is 24.499Hz. If the usable frequency range of the cab is 30Hz-20kHz (as your Big Twin 2) then playing an open "G" string is below the response of the cab. In a case like this I can hear the note being played, but what am I hearing the resonant octave? Fifth? Fourth? I have searched for cabs and drivers and most bass cabs and subs cut off at 30-40Hz. Is there a point to tuning that low if the cab is not actually producing a note at that frequency? Do you have a recommendation for a Bass cab? I am using an Acoustic 300watt bass amp that works fine for most gigs and larger venues use the "DI" port to the main PA. But, even there, if the PA subs don't respond to that low frequency, what sound is actually being heard?