Cab tuning for 215 w/ Faital Pro 15pr400.

Bass cab question. I have an oversized 215 cab and am putting in 2 FaitalPRO 15PR400 15s in it. I play doom/stoner rock, but sometimes do classic rock grooves with excessive fuzz and fat clean low end boom with a 5 string bass tuned GCFA#D# and a 6 string tuned ADGCFA#. What should I tune the cab to and why? (I have heard 35-50) I am running a first gen Sunn model T on the dual input pushing bass and presence pretty hard. Looking for more of a classic rock on steroids tone over a modern one.


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What drivers are in there now?

From the looks of it, the ports are way too small (area) for any reasonable power limits. Also, rear mounting those Faital drivers may require the optional front gasket, I can't tell if the ID will interfere. The back panel is unlikely to be rigid enough for high power use with a removable back and may leak/squeak like hell.

If you are just planning on using that amp it may be ok, but it's a waste of much of the driver's potential IMO.