I have a couple of old Pre-CBS Fender basses. They’ve been refin’d already but I’ve never been too happy about the way they look. It got me thinking: maybe I could get them refin’d again but maybe this time more to my liking.
I’m a big fan of Mr. Bravewood (who’s now semi retired) and Luca Mancini (unfortunately for me, he only does his own basses and doesn’t take commissions...
I don’t really know anyone else.
Any suggestions...?
Thanks very much
If you fill out your profile we would know where you are and might then be able to recommend someone close. Otherwise I might suggest someone in Australia when you are in Alaska.
If you fill out your profile we would know where you are and might then be able to recommend someone close. Otherwise I might suggest someone in Australia when you are in Alaska.

Since I posted this thread, I have filled out my profile :)
But where the Luthier is located, is actually not paramount. We live in this globalised world and all, so I'm just hoping to get to know a few luthiers who especialise in vintage refins, to see their work and to hopefully reach out to one of them at some point. I'll work out the logistics when it gets to that.
Thanks again for your reply.

EDIT: I thought I filled out my profile but I must have done something wrong... Any pointers would be much appreciated...