can i file/ expand EADG delrin nut slots for BEAD just as i would those of a bone nut?


passionate hack
Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2006
Title says it all. Just got a Stingray Special 4H and unlike other EADG basses I have, even light gauge 120/100/80/60 strings don't slot properly.
Wondering if i an file this or need a whole new nut.
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You can either file the present nut, same way as a bone nut,
or, save it as is, and get a new one, to file for a BEAD string set,
your choice.
Sometimes, a BEAD filed nut will work okay with a standard string set,
but there's no guarantee.
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Title says it all. Just got a Stingray Special 4H and unlike other EADG basses I have, even light gauge 120/100/80/60 strings don't slot properly.
Wondering if i an file this or need a whole new nut.

Nah, just widen the existing slots. Place a dam on the front (FB) aspect to avoid over-cutting depth.

Excellent! I’m always concerned the material may yield a little TOO easily under a nominal file stroke.

I actually left a barely visible, submillimeter air gap between the base of each slot and string. It sets up and sounds perfect this way, and is only visible if you get close enough to lick it.
The nut in my tilt-back headstock is glued in. I widened (not deepened) the slots for BEAD and it works perfectly for EADG as well. I've switched back and forth to match gig needs.

On a Fender style headstock (flat with a nut in a slot) I'd be more inclined to cut a new nut.
Glad it's working!
I'd have expected the slot depth to need to be the same-ish height as the frets to feel like it was set up correctly (and in that case you wouldn't expect a gap unless the nut had been cut too low before), but if it's working then it's working.

I would always just widen the nut rather than wait to get a new one. If you want to play in BEAD, then now you can. And if you want in the future to have swappable options, then you can make a new standard nut later in that future.
Glad it's working!
I'd have expected the slot depth to need to be the same-ish height as the frets to feel like it was set up correctly (and in that case you wouldn't expect a gap unless the nut had been cut too low before), but if it's working then it's working.

I would always just widen the nut rather than wait to get a new one. If you want to play in BEAD, then now you can. And if you want in the future to have swappable options, then you can make a new standard nut later in that future.
If you think ^^that's^^ an option, you should go ahead and order the nut now so you have it when you want to change again.