You can't take back or edit anything you've said out loud or done in real life. This is about being a responsible person with what you say and do while online or in real life. Allowing people to create an existence online that is favorable for them is not fair to the other people they interact with.
Just because you are typing on a keyboard doesn't mean you can go back days, months, years later and change parts of it because you changed your mind or you're now afraid the truth will catch up with you.
I said some things in some old old OT threads that I would be embarrassed to admit to today, and I am thankful no one digs them up to throw in my face now. I own those comments, and will deal with any consequences that may come from my actions back then. Even I as a moderator, with the power to create a 'revisionist history' of my existence here at Talkbass, have refused to do so. Why? It's not right and it's not fair to those who I interact with here.
Yes, I have said things out of anger and frustration that I wish would not persist forever, but they will because that is how it goes in real life.