Carvin 2x10 BR210 or Peavey Headliner 210 2x10

Apr 13, 2013
El Paso, TX
I own a Hartke HA3500 bass amp, gives 350 watts at 4ohms, for now i bought a Hartke 410XL cab but since it is an 8 ohm cab my amp only gives me 240 or 260w. I'd like to get the full 350 watts out of my amp. Which bass cab should i get next: Carvin or Peavey? images are below
by the way, i play classic rock :) :bassist:

Keep in mind the Carvin is a 4 ohm cab while the Peavey Headliner is an 8 ohm cab.
Thanks for reading!
I never said it wouldn't...but the OP wants to get a 2nd cab. I'd get one with the same aluminum speakers in it.

Yes I know, I didn't want to labour the point you already clearly made. I was just offering up my experience of Hartke through Peavey. As for the OP, its gamble. I think that it could sound ok with the mixed cabs, the darker Peavey sound might balance that very harsh Hartke tone (thats my experience with Hartke cab tone anyway).
Safest bet is to go with Hartke though, and match them up.
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The Hartke 410XL speakers have a sensitivity of 98dB. The Carvin is 104dB; I cannot find specs of the Peavy speakers.
If the OP gets a 2nd cabinet with higher sensitivity, that can can sound louder than the other...may not sound so good in the end.
The Hartke 210XL speakers have a 96dB sensitivity; slightly less than the 410. This might balance out the volume between the two cabs when splitting 350 watts....

Mixing cabs with different speakers and hoping they sound good is like pissing in the wind.
I had a 410XL...I never heard any harsh treble come out of the aluminum cones. They were very smooth-sounding. I don't know why I ever left Hartke I. Favor of other brands. I will definitely look into the Hydrives the next time I need cabs...
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You'd split the 350 evenly...175 watts each. Even so, watts are a function of volume. You can use the 210 alone and the amp outputting 250 watts at 8ohms. You won't get 250 watts until full volume...
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well, now i got my mind set on the Hartke 210XL (200w) which is $250 new,
but i found there's a Hartke 410XL (400w) for only $300 (100 less than a month ago).
On some reviews I've read the 210XL lacks good lows at higher volume, and some people mentioned a 'metallic buzzing' or cone clipping too. The 410XL weighs 96 lbs, twice as much as the 210.
Anybody has experience on connecting two 410XL to a HA3500?
if i set one on top of the other it would look like an 8x10