Carvin BX500 with multiple cabs

Dec 17, 2010
Hey guys! I have a Carvin BX500 and I love it. I've had it for several years now. I've run it through either a Carvin RL810t or a peavey 4x12 bass cab, I think its the TVX? What I wanted to know is if any of you guys know if it would be safe to run both of them at the same time. The head is 2 ohm stable, so I know in that aspect, it would be fine. But just wasn't sure if the head could push that many speakers. It would really just be for fun and looks. And, if it didn't work, would the head just go in to protect mode? or could it hurt the amp more?
Thanks guys!
Perfectly safe for the amp as long as neither cab is rated at less than 4 ohms, which is unlikely. Under power by itself won't hurt either the amp or cabs, as long as you don't dime all the knobs. If the two speakers sound good together, might make a heck of a stack!

Do you know what wattage and ohm ratings are for each cab?
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Thanks for the fast reply! I love the high end sounds from the 8x10 and the 4x12 has lows the 8x10 could only dream of! It could be a really great combo! The 8x10 is right around 1000, according to the specs, but more likely closer to 800. And I'm pretty sure the 4x12 is around 500, but I'm not sure right off hand.
It sounds like you have plenty of overhead then. IMO you would really have to crank it into heavy distortion, or use a lot of compression and nasty overdrive or distortion pedals to hurt something. Probably a combination of these. If everything is set the same on the head, each cab will see about the same amount of power as it would individually, or a little less. If you're the reckless abusive type, which I condone, and are playing long and hard, maybe just check the top of the amp and make sure it not getting hot. If anything, unless you seek loud, you'll be lowering the volume.

If they don't sound as expected, be sure and take advantage of that massive eq the Carvin gives you.
Hey guys! I have a Carvin BX500 and I love it. I've had it for several years now. I've run it through either a Carvin RL810t or a peavey 4x12 bass cab, I think its the TVX? What I wanted to know is if any of you guys know if it would be safe to run both of them at the same time. The head is 2 ohm stable, so I know in that aspect, it would be fine. But just wasn't sure if the head could push that many speakers. It would really just be for fun and looks. And, if it didn't work, would the head just go in to protect mode? or could it hurt the amp more?
Thanks guys!
If both cabs are the same impedance, each one will get half the power. The 4x10 will be working twice as hard as the 8x10. In general the 4x10 would be the limiting factor. But it sounds like your speaker headroom, 500 watts for the smaller cab will be well over the 250 watts (Max theoretical) power it will get. The big cab will barely break a sweat.
Be sure you are comparing amp power to speaker power ratings with the same type of power such as RMS vs RMS.
Heed Badexample's warnings about listening for something that doesn't sound right and back off if it happens.

FYI, there is no underpowering of speakers. You can drive the whole shebang with one watt.
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thanks guys!
Both cabs are 4 ohms. The 4x12 is listed at 450 rms and 900 max. The 8x10 is listed at 1200. I assume thats the max, but I can't find the rms, so i'm guess more around the 8-900 area. My biggest concern was whether or not the BX500 would be able to push that many speakers. But I think I'll give it a shot with your advice and see what happens! I do love the sound of both cabs individually, so together, they should sound amazing!
Thanks again!
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thanks guys!
Both cabs are 4 ohms. The 4x12 is listed at 450 rms and 900 max. The 8x10 is listed at 1200. I assume thats the max, but I can't find the rms, so i'm guess more around the 8-900 area. My biggest concern was whether or not the BX500 would be able to push that many speakers. But I think I'll give it a shot with your advice and see what happens! I do love the sound of both cabs individually, so together, they should sound amazing!
Thanks again!
Oopps! 4x12 not 4x10. My bad. Same applies though.
It doesn't matter what type of power you describe as long as they are all described the same way. Peak, Music, Average, Program, RMS, Continuous, Carrots, whatever... as long as you are comparing the same version of power then you're good to go.

I once saw an on-line add for a single 12 that was listed as being able to handle 500 watts. But it did not specify beyond just saying watts.
Turns out it was actually rated for 500 "Program", 250 "Continuous". You had to scroll down to the fine print to see that you weren't really getting a cab that you could use by itself with an amp cranking out 500 watts.