Cave Passive pedals Grunt...any good?

May 28, 2005
I'm asking this as I wrote to them two or three weeks ago.
They have not written back yet and although I do not buy from people that don't communicate I'd like to know more about this pedal for if and when I hear back from them.
I have a B-Drive (a close descendent of the Grunt) that I like very much. I don't use it much as I prefer my Blueberry, but it's a cool pedal. They sound much better with a buffered signal in front of them too, they sound very dark otherwise.
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He has a bigcartel page now:

Cave Passive Pedals — Home

For news, you should check out the oz bass forums:

Cave Passive Pedals -

He has been working on some cool stuff now. Like a compressor and a bass pickup system. The new 1590a Grunts look super nice. I have the super grunt and love it. They really work best after a good buffer or with an active bass.

They sound very natural. The Super Grunt can go into fuzzy territory.
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He has a bigcartel page now:

Cave Passive Pedals — Home

For news, you should check out the oz bass forums:

Cave Passive Pedals -

He has been working on some cool stuff now. Like a compressor and a bass pickup system. The new 1590a Grunts look super nice. I have the super grunt and love it. They really work best after a good buffer or with an active bass.

They sound very natural. The Super Grunt can go into fuzzy territory.
Thanks!( also to the others that replied!)
I wrote a message on that big cartel page...
Yes, it is the 1590grunt I am interested in, but if he can't even write , I don't trust him with sending anything.
Am on the fence at this point.
I got to participate in a Cave pedal trial amongst RRF members,and really liked the pedal's sound and ultra compact size.
I even submitted a video document using several basses and setting on the pedal....should be on the RRF site... was the B drive mark 2 Cave pedal. If you do a search on RRF using the words woody cave pedal,it comes up with the 3 short videos i posted there.
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I have a B-Drive, like it but am not really the guy to ask as I don't normally use effects much. I'm here to say that mileage varies a lot depending on the pickups, as you might imagine - it was interesting on my old bass, doesn't seem to do much of anything with the new one. I see on the facebook page, he has made up a pickup with his stuff built in. That sounds like the ideal setup. Effects built right in, no batteries needed.
I got to participate in a Cave pedal trial amongst RRF members,and really liked the pedal's sound and ultra compact size.
I even submitted a video document using several basses and setting on the pedal....should be on the RRF site... was the B drive mark 2 Cave pedal. If you do a search on RRF using the words woody cave pedal,it comes up with the 3 short videos i posted there.
RRF? :)
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