How nice it is to hear someone say of a bass player who doesn't strut chops all over the place, "absolutely burning"! This sort of description - of tasteful playing as "burning" - needs to happen more, and I think we all need to applaud the creator of the last post for it. ALL HAIL ED FUQUA!, no, wait.......that one's taken..... how 'bout, NICE GOING, ED!...or HEIL FUQUA!.....or something like offense Ed, I'm just jealous because you got to go to that master class.
One of my (graduated) piano students was there at the Iridium watching the duo, and later (after the CD came out) made the remark to me that Kenny sounded fantastic, but she couldn't really remember much about how Charlie played. My response, after hearing the recording, was something like, "DUH!....and WHY do you think Kenny sounded so fantastic?" Maybe because Charlie made it his mission to accompany so well?....
BTW, I think the trio record you are thinking of is "Wanton Spirit", which is my second favorite KB recording after "Green Chimneys".
[Edited by Chris Fitzgerald on 11-27-2000 at 01:01 PM]