Charvel 3B Hum

Apr 25, 2017
Hey everyone. This is my first post here. I picked up a Charvel 3b for really cheap, but it's got a pretty horrific electronic buzz, especially when I use the bridge J p/u (like, you can still hear it when I'm playing at full volume). I took it to a tech and he rewired it, checked the grounding, etc., to no avail. He says I should just replace the preamp, but I've had no luck tracking one down (it's a J2000 w/ onboard EQ). Any tips for finding one of these preamps, or fixing the one I've got? Or suggestions for a preamp that would sound close to the original?

in 30 years I have never seen a j2000 go bad so this would be a first. If it indeed is shot you can buy any preamp you want for it from el-chepo to a very expensive one. Here is a 20dollar Mr Mings that I used in one of my 4b's when the vol pot broke.


I cannot believe the hum is being generated from the preamp. He HAD to have missed something or you are playing it under some old flourescent lights with a bad ballast. I would first get copper tape and shield the whole cavity ( work your way up from cheap fix to "now what" )
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