Double Bass Cheap Solution for Abdominal Pain

This may be pretty obvious to folks or maybe I'm the only person with these issues, but I wanted to provide this resource for anyone who needs it. I was recently diagnosed with an intestinal disorder which results in sensitivity to pressure on my abdomen. Unfortunately, pressure on my abdomen is just the nature of my playing posture. So! After doing some research, I put together this ad hoc solution which appears to have remedied the situation. It looks super janky, but frankly, it works better than any other option I could find. I estimate it does change playing position about an inch at most. After several practice sessions, it was not tough to adjust to.

Items needed:
- Flat belly bag
- 12mm foam exercise mat (definitely more than I needed, but I'll be using the rest either for my standing desk at work)
- Balsa wood (I had a wooden journal I just took the back off of 😊)


I only used one layer of the foam, but found I needed some structure rigidity from the balsa wood to spread out the weight more since my play position puts the corner of the upper bout right into my stomach. I was worried that the material on the belly bag would be too slippery, but actually the foam seems to hold it in place pretty well.

It's a bit of a hillbilly solution, but it's cheap and I'm from rural Ohio 😊 Also the pillow belt concoction just wasn't cutting it.

If anyone has discovered any other solutions that work, feel free to add them in the comments. Even if you're on a lame low-FODMAP diet like me, I hope this helps give you the ability to play like me! Happy bassing!
This is also worth checking out. Developed by a researcher from the Monash University group who came up with the low FODMAP diet.


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