
Aug 10, 2013
Los Angeles,CA
Hello all
I have a question. I have a rumble 500 head with a old school Genz Benz 15 inch speaker. The GB is way to big to lug around for rehearsals or gigs so I am looking at getting a new one. I have a few questions
1) Fender rumble 210 39 pounds (I already have the head so this should be all I need)
2) Fender Rumble 100 or 200 combo amp ( I already have the head but there are some really good prices and I I could just sale my Head)

also I have heard that your amp cab combo can really affect your tone, Is Fender rumble considered gig worthy or lower tier)
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I have the Rumble 500 combo plus the 210 extension cab. I also recently picked up a Rumble 500 head. For gigs I can bring just the head and plug into the backline cab or into the FX return if it's a combo. The head and the extension cab go great together, especially with the magnetic attachment system. Then there's the combo with extension cab giving the full 500 watts into 4 10s. For gits and shiggles I tried the head and cab daisy chained to the combo for 700 glorious watts. Monstrous!