Hi all! I'm a high school jazz bassist and my band director suggested that I invest in some classical technique books to practice and solidify my bass-ics (ha). Is this good advice? If so, what books would you all recommend I look into?
I think the Ray Brown book is based on the Simandl fingerings.
I'll put in a word here for the Bach cello suites for jazz players. I've found that working on them exposes a million technical issues and then makes you figure out ways to address them so as not to spoil the music. It's not a "graduated method", but it can be very effective for intermediate to advanced jazz players, and musically they are some of the most beautiful music I've ever encountered.
I agree with Chris concerning Bach cello suites, but the original keys can be daunting. I have a version by Robert Rohe that transposes them down by a fourth or fifth. Still plenty hard! There are other editions for bass in lower registers for the beginning, intermediate players.