Hi, I'm using a EV SXA360 full range 12"and horn 500 watt RMS speaker cab. It works surprisingly well, very transparent, but I'd like to make it sound more like a clean Fender valve amp if possible (no distortion).
There are so many pedals on the market, and many are aimed at adding a bit (or a lot) of overdrive. Some of the pedals in this list may do the job well, and it would be very helpful to hear peoples experiences with them:
Tech 21 Blonde
HX Stomp
Catalinbread 5F6 (would this be any good into a PA cab?)
Aguilar Tonehammer
Ampeg SCR-DI
SHift Line Olympic 3
Nordstrand Starlifter.
DarkGlass Harmonic Booster Mk2
Noble preamp. (Do I have to spend this much?)
I'm just looking for a pedal that does this one thing really well. If it has other features, that's fine, but first and foremost is a clean Fender tone. I know there are many threads re preamps, but there are many new pedals on the market, etc.TIA
There are so many pedals on the market, and many are aimed at adding a bit (or a lot) of overdrive. Some of the pedals in this list may do the job well, and it would be very helpful to hear peoples experiences with them:
Tech 21 Blonde
HX Stomp
Catalinbread 5F6 (would this be any good into a PA cab?)
Aguilar Tonehammer
Ampeg SCR-DI
SHift Line Olympic 3
Nordstrand Starlifter.
DarkGlass Harmonic Booster Mk2
Noble preamp. (Do I have to spend this much?)
I'm just looking for a pedal that does this one thing really well. If it has other features, that's fine, but first and foremost is a clean Fender tone. I know there are many threads re preamps, but there are many new pedals on the market, etc.TIA