Common Rep

Hey Mr. Neher,

When you're getting ready to audition, what's a list of pieces that pop into your head as "in every round they're going to have one of these pieces." Which are by far the most common?

Secondly, what kind of solo piece would you have ready? Bach or would you play a concerto?

jakeyramone said:
Hey Mr. Neher,

When you're getting ready to audition, what's a list of pieces that pop into your head as "in every round they're going to have one of these pieces." Which are by far the most common?

Secondly, what kind of solo piece would you have ready? Bach or would you play a concerto?


Hi Jake,
THere are so many sources for what orchestras ask on auditions... the best being the Intl. Society of Bassists in various article and surveys they have published ( So look there for more information. But the one's I have my students do are:
All Nine Beehoven Symphonies with emphasis on the 5th and the recit. from the 9th, All four Brahms Sym., Mozart Symphonies 35,36, 39, 40, 41, the solo parts in the trios of Haydn 6, 7, 8, (le Matin, le Midi, le Soir), Hornsignal (can't remember the number) - and any of the late Haydn symphonies., Strauss - all Tone Poems, especially Don Juan and Ein Heldenleiben, Stravinsly solo from Pulcinella, Mahler 1, 7, Tchaikowsky 5, Schostokovich 5, Debussy - La Mer (harmonics and stuff), Bach - All Brandenburg Concerti and Orchestral Suites. Not to say this is an exhaustive list. Biggies on auditions are Beethoven and Mozart, Brahms and Strauss.
Best of Luck!