Composer : Double-stops 6ths, 10ths, 7ths


Dec 12, 2016
Hello ! :)

I have composed a long piece for double bass, that contains some 6ths 7ths and 10ths plucked simultaneously without open strings
Can you refer me to a double bass player who does that a lot or
am i pushing the boundaries for what is ergonomically possible ?

As it says I'm not a contrabassist, but a composer, however please bare in that I am a guitarist and electric bass player since 25 years, when answering.
Thanks in advance, I hope to hear from you
(We have rehearsals friday)

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Sorry for the delayed reply. The technical issues where I have been unable to post have been resolved.
Rufus Reid was the first bassist I heard playing various 10ths and other double stops in the jazz area. He details some of these in his classic book "The Evolving Bassist". Ray Brown, Ron Carter, Mark Dresser, and several others also inspired me with chords on the bass. Here is a the tune "Lover Man" where I use many different intervals including harmonics.