Considering buying a new rig

Which option would you go with?

  • 1 - work with what I have

  • 2 - add to what I have

  • 3 - blank slate

  • 4 - do something else completely different

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I currently have a Carvin bx500/15” combo paired with a Carvin br410 8 ohm. My issue is that the combo doesn’t sound great to me.

Options I am considering:
1) I could just use the bx500 head from the combo and the 410. However, the br410 kinda farts out with only 350 watts, and I’d have to buy a rack setup.

2) Try to find a matching br410 (or maybe even a brx 10.4) to take advantage of the full wattage of the bx500. I would still need a rack setup for the head.

3) I am looking at either a Mesa Boogie tt800 (or another head from the subway series) and a matching MB 410 cab. The downside is the expense.

Currently I play in a Nu Metal tribute band with 5 string bass and some pretty low tunings so I’m curious about how the MB rigs hold up. Volume, tone, etc.

What would you do if you were in my position?
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Save money, take your time go with option 3.
Don’t know about other fellows here but when I buy stuff that is okay but not the top for me, I end up selling it back and get the "right" stuff anyway.
Must say I have a Mesa Subway D350 and very happy with it.
You didn't mention a budget.
If you need to buy some now, some later, you could get a good 4 ohm cabinet ( NV215, Fridge, etc ) that can handle whatever power you hope to get now.
Later on get the head of your dreams.
In the meantime you can get full power from your Carvin, even if you still have to move the combo with the extra speaker.
When the money is there, then get whatever you think will give you the sound you want.
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I voted "do something completely different"
I suggest putting up with what you have for now and save save save.
In the mean time, go to as many live gigs, concerts, shows, festivals you can and check out what everyone is using, how they sound and find what rig works for you.

Your Carvin rig simply isn't doing the job you need it to do.. "frosting a cake with a paper knife." springs to mind.
Swapping the "frosting" or the "cake" is futile and a waste of time and cash.
Hence, go see the bands you like, study their rigs and get one just like it.

I recently watched Exploited play Live. The bass was mind blowingly awesome.
If I was in the market to reproduce that kind of sound, then I'd be buying the same rig without a doubt.
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