Cool songs you forgot you used to play.

So my daughter turned 18 a few weeks ago, and everyone in the family, including her, seems to keep saying some version of "well, you're an adult now, so......" And on one of these occasions, my wife briefly sang I'm an Adult Now" by The Pursuit of Happiness, a song I used to play in the early 90s that I had completely forgotten about.

I cued it up on YT tonight and played thought it like it was yesterday, only part I forgot was that they play through the chorus twice at the end.

Anyway, totally fun remembering and playing that tune again. Makes me want to get the old band together, if only for one night.

Anybody else have some things lurking somewhere back in the grey matter?
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I rediscovered "solitary man" on acoustic guitar today

Gonna need to look that one up, not familiar with the title.

Last gig we had a guest singer who wanted to know if we could play Closer To Home by Grand Funk RR. Haven't played it in YEARS but pulled it out of our rectal area with aplomb...sounded so good we're putting it on the list.

Thin Lizzy- Cowboy Song

I saw the singer/drummer from my first real band over the holiday. The moment I laid eyes on him that song bumped into my head. If you look it up, get past the intro...which is MUCH different from the rest of the song.
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